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Dünya Çapında Dinî Milliyetçilik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması
Dünya Çapında Dinî Milliyetçilik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması
Comparando los niveles de nacionalismo religioso en el mundo
Comparando los niveles de nacionalismo religioso en el mundo
Comparing Levels of Religious Nationalism Around the World
Comparing Levels of Religious Nationalism Around the World
Appendix: Classifying European political parties
Appendix: Classifying European political parties
5. What role should religion play in Muslim- and Jewish-majority countries?
5. What role should religion play in Muslim- and Jewish-majority countries?
4. Should religious texts influence national laws?
4. Should religious texts influence national laws?
3. How important is following a specific religion to national belonging?
3. How important is following a specific religion to national belonging?
2. How important should religion be for a country’s leader?
2. How important should religion be for a country’s leader?
1. What impact do people around the world think religion has on their society?
1. What impact do people around the world think religion has on their society?
3. The impact of all-male and all-female social groups
3. The impact of all-male and all-female social groups
2. Where men and women turn for emotional support and social connection
2. Where men and women turn for emotional support and social connection
1. Emotional well-being
1. Emotional well-being
Men, Women and Social Connections
Men, Women and Social Connections
Appendix A: Economic categorization of high- and middle-income countries
Appendix A: Economic categorization of high- and middle-income countries
4. Support for changing the current economic system
4. Support for changing the current economic system
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