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Dünya Çapında Dinî Milliyetçilik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması
Comparando los niveles de nacionalismo religioso en el mundo
Comparing Levels of Religious Nationalism Around the World
Appendix: Classifying European political parties
5. What role should religion play in Muslim- and Jewish-majority countries?
4. Should religious texts influence national laws?
3. How important is following a specific religion to national belonging?
2. How important should religion be for a country’s leader?
1. What impact do people around the world think religion has on their society?
3. The impact of all-male and all-female social groups
2. Where men and women turn for emotional support and social connection
1. Emotional well-being
Men, Women and Social Connections
Appendix A: Economic categorization of high- and middle-income countries
4. Support for changing the current economic system
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