Belief in a lottery curse is comforting, but winning lots of money does make you happy | Martha Gill
The joy of trivia: ‘We wrote our book together to intrigue each other’
Arno Rabinowitz obituary
Unraveling the Power and Influence of Language
Large Study Finds No Link Between Antibiotics and Dementia
Biases in AI Can Amplify Our Own Biases, Research Suggests
Rights Group Says Israel's Deprivation of Water in Gaza Is Act of Genocide
Teens With Reduced Response to Rewards at Higher Risk of Depression
Could Tariffs Help Fight Climate Change?
Adopting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet to Improve Mental Health
Church Breakup Over LGBTQ Issues Linked to Deadly Violence in Nigeria
Inflammatory Dietary Habits Linked to 84% Higher Risk of Dementia
Trouble in Arctic Town As Polar Bears and People Face Warming World
App Helps Alleviate Mental Health Symptoms in Bereaved Parents
Recommendations to Minimize Bias in Medical AI Technologies
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