27-10-2015 19:11 via

Energia: Russia, Putin inaugura il gasdotto Ukhta-Torzhok 2 (2) - Agenzia Nova (Abbonamento)

Energia: Russia, Putin inaugura il gasdotto Ukhta-Torzhok 2 (2)
Agenzia Nova (Abbonamento)
Mosca, 27 ott 19:02 - (Agenzia Nova) - Entro il medesimo periodo, riferisce "Rossiskaja Gazeta", dovrebbe essere terminata la costruzione del Nord Stream II, gasdotto che transiterà dalla Russia alla Germania attraverso il Mar Baltico. Il progetto del ...
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Torzhok news

Gazprom's Ukhta-Torzhok 2 gas pipeline in operation - World Pipelines
Bovanenkovskoye field's final gas facility and Ukhta – Torzhok 2 gas pipeline brought into operation - EIN News (press release)
Bovanenkovskoye field's final gas facility and Ukhta – Torzhok 2 gas pipeline brought into operation - EIN News
Voor de restauratie van historische Torzhok sturen bijna 2 miljard roebel - Pitreport.nl
Empfang in Torzhok für die Delegation aus Melle - NOZ - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung
Melle will Verbindung zu Torzhok weiter ausbauen - NOZ - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung
Shooter responsible for bloodshed in Torzhok café detained after being wanted for 23 years - https://en.crimerussia.com/
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Stroygazmontazh to build parts of Gazprom's Ukhta-Torzhok 2 pipe - New Europe
Stroygazmontazh to build parts of Gazprom's Ukhta-Torzhok 2 pipe - New Europe
Gazprom Awards $654Mln Contract for New Ukhta-Torzhok 2 Pipeline - Sputnik International
Gazprom Awards $654Mln Contract for New Ukhta-Torzhok 2 Pipeline - Sputnik International
Mười hai thế kỷ Torzhok - Sputnik Việt Nam
Mười hai thế kỷ Torzhok - Sputnik Việt Nam
Dispatches from the Kremlin: What's a Torzhok? - War on the Rocks
Speciale energia: Russia, Putin inaugura il gasdotto Ukhta-Torzhok 2 - Agenzia Nova (Abbonamento)
Energia: Russia, Putin inaugura il gasdotto Ukhta-Torzhok 2 - Agenzia Nova (Abbonamento)
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